Angelina Jolie Asks The Us An Effort To Help Iraq War Refugees
Its letter has been published on the newspaper dellalberino de Washington, name reason of A remaining in Irak;. That what we cannot be allowed must sperperare the progresses that have been to realize. Ricapitolando, this it is that what has written: the "More that 2 million innocent is without centers, the medicines, food and cleans up lacqua. Angelina Jolie has written a impressionabile letter in the United States, asking to rise their efforts to help the not guilty victims in Irak, than hour they are absent from their centers. In fact, we would have to rise our financial and material one assistance.". The star delectable 32-years-old, is a Goodwill Ambassador for United Nations High Commissioner For Refugees (UNHCR), so as to it demands lAmerica has an ethical duty in order to help shelters you of war of Irak.
Labels: Angelina Jolie, Goodwill Ambassador, UNHCR, United Nations High Commissioner For Refugees
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